He is experiencing a lot of constant change as a Marine. It seems once you get used to who you are working with and what you are doing, it changes again. A good amount of his unit was sent to Afghanistan this past month, so that brings even more change. He did not get called this time, but with that comes the opportunity for a promotion. He is up for Lance Corporal. This is based on merit not just time in. He's a hard worker and we know that when Josh works it's all or nothing, so we are rooting for him as he works for this new position.
To say that we are proud of him, just doesn't seem to say enough. Whether or not he were a Marine, we would be proud of his accomplishments, but at just barely 20, he is willingly taking on the responsibility of a man. We know he is sacrificing a lot to be there and to honor his commitment to protect us and defend our country. It's an old cliche, but "Freedom isn't Free". Thank you Josh for your commitment to all of us. We know God has great plans for your life and that you are right where you belong for such a time as this! We love you!!!! (He is probably saying to himself right now.."Oh Mom, stop it with the mush!" :)
Not so intimidating here....Goofy Josh, looking like he is ready to snowboard. They were actually supposed to, but the weather didn't cooperate when they had some free time to go.
Mt. Fuji
Camping in the cold for four days. He was glad to get back to base after that bit of training.
One of the trucks that he drives, a 7-ton. He also drives Humvee's....a lot different than the little 85 Toyota that he drove around here! More fun too!